Friday, February 15, 2008

The Beatties Ford Plan is Now Online

...Finally! Definitely my proudest planning endeavor to date, the Beatties Ford Road Corridor Small Area Plan for the Town of Huntersville will not only help protect the critical watersheds protecting our main water resource, but shape growth in the region towards more sustainable patterns of development.
As a firm that almost solely deals with urban development it was very nice to work on the other side of that coin, preservational land use and transportation planning. If urban and preservation planning do not work together the gains by doing either are nil. The two mutually reinforce one another. So it was more than just a privilige to work in such a beautiful and historical area - a treasure to our cultural heritage, with its little legacy to the American Revolution. Together with the residents, we've secured a huge victory (however meager it might seem) for our children in Mecklenburg County. It's nice to see how it is having an impact in every development decision impacting the corridor already. Of course, the plan now has to be revised with the falling through over the Latta Village proposal...The only thing that was out of our hands from the beginning (but I'm glad the residents seem to be getting their desires--NIMBY's in preservational districts are people I can live with, ha!)
Here is the effective master plan:

Image above was provided by Christa Rogers of Natural Resources

Except for Christa's flower image, all images are the work of Neighboring Concepts, PLLC.
(specifically yours truly) =)

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