Seeing as Starbucks has long promoted itself as a "third place" or community living room, it behooves an urbanist to pay attention.
Seeing as Starbucks has long promoted itself as a "third place" or community living room, it behooves an urbanist to pay attention.
Billionaire set to lose his shirt.
Wooooh Sinnerman... no one will be handing bailouts at the finish line.
...Well, I don't know what they are singing, but let me tell you, considering the sinking ship feel of the state of the American economy today, one thing is for sure...We Westerners are going to be thinking AWFUL hard about how to serve their needs. Can't you see it in their beckoning eyes? We better figure out QUICK my American pals and dolls what they want.
Damn...I wish I was working for Ben Wood. Maybe its not too late.
RMB City will be the condensed incarnation of contemporary Chinese cities with most of their characteristics; a series of new Chinese fantasy realms that are highly self-contradictory, inter-permeative, laden with irony and suspicion, and extremely entertaining and pan-political. China's current obsession with land development in all its intensity will be extended to Second Life. A rough hybrid of communism, socialism and capitalism, RMB City will be realized in a globalized digital sphere combining overabundant symbols of Chinese reality with cursory imaginings of the country's future.
Urbanism is all about human enhancement...For non-geeks - I'm talking the human. Creating a hybrid humana as variagated as the one in Star Trek:
Urbanism is Marfa, TX.
Urbanism is not an equation of the number of people per square mile. No sir,...it's the quality of spirits per square mile.