Photo by Krista Sederwall
This Tuesday, my friend and intrepid travel companion Tamara Park finished writing a travelouge of our zany backpacking "Sacred Bench Pilgrimage" from Rome to Jerusalem with Krista Sederwall...to be published (next year?) by IVP. Congrads Tam for not just hanging in there that last excruciating stretch trying to wrap up the last chapters but for keeping it together with your quirky and insightful thoughts throughout. A true pilgrimage, truly, never stops teaching you. I'm glad that I kept renewing my learning and appreciation for our shared experiences in life through your thoughts as I read your drafts.
Sorry if I added stress with my wordy prooftexts/teaching sections but I too have a lot to learn from you careful insistence to strike straight to the hearts of your audience...I truly appreciate your gaze and talents. Enjoy your hardearned rest and take a moment now to revel in and breathe in deeply the clear air of accomplishment!
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